Friday, July 26, 2013

BIG S.O.L.A.D.™ News

Everyone, I have a BIG announcement:

After much hard work, prayer, edits, designs and burning the midnight oil,
my first novel, S.O.L.A.D.™: Soldiers of Light Against Darkness™, will be available in PRINT next week! You'll be able to order your copy online (details to come soon)!

If you prefer reading on tablets or your smartphone, the novel is already available as an eBook at the following link:

Just wanted to share this AWESOME news!

Until the the printed release, enjoy one of the cool ads I recently created for S.O.L.A.D.™

Please be sure to like the official fan page of the novel and be on the lookout for more S.O.L.A.D. and more BIG S.O.L.A.D.™ news in the coming days! Thanks again for all of your support!

And please feel free to share this post and others abut S.O.L.A.D.™ on Facebook and other social media sites!

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