Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Help A Writer's Dream Come True! Please Pledge Now!

In 11 days, my Kickstarter project to self-publish my first novel, S.O.L.A.D.™: Soldiers of Light Against Darkness™, will end.

I hope and believe it will end SUCCESSFULLY, even when it doesn't appear that it will.

I've had many, many people ask me what I’m going to do if the Kickstarter project doesn't reach its goal.

It’s a question that is asked every time I have started a Kickstarter project and it appeared they would fail.

Even though they didn't reach their monetary goal, the first two Kickstarter projects succeeded in 1.) allowing people to know about my upcoming best-selling novel 2.) spreading the word about the novel and 3.) increasing my faith.

All of these things have been important to ensure S.O.L.A.D’s SUCCESS, but nothing more than having faith. It’s the reason why I haven’t given up on my dream.

You see, in my mind and heart, S.O.L.A.D.™ is already a best-selling novel series that people can’t get enough of. I’m using the profits to help others reach their dreams and creating programs that help the world.

I’m just walking through the vision God put in my heart to get to the reality that He has promised me!

Yes, things in life discourage me, especially when I look at how far the pledged amount is from the goal.

But, I won’t give up. Whatever the next step is, if the Kickstarter goal is not reached, I'm prepared to work hard and do my part to get to the "Promised Land" God has for me.

I just want to thank everyone who has pledged, who has spread the word, who has sent me words of encouragement, who has rooted for me and who has (and continue to) pray for me and my efforts.

With your support, the road to my destiny has been easier to travel. I hope and pray that in the future, I can do the same for you.

There are 11 days left before the Kickstarter project ends, so if you have pledge, PLEASE PLEDGE NOW & SPREAD THE WORD! http://kck.st/HzzmEt

If you have pledged, please continue to spread the word as much as you can. If you can pledge a little more, please do! Every bit helps.

Thank you so much for being “Soldiers of Light Against Darkness™”!
-Tyrone Tony Reed Jr.

Kickstarter project link:  http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1450855870/project-s-believe-in-soladtm-and-make-it-a-success

P.S. On Thursday, May 31, 2012, at 7 p.m. CST, I will be interviewed on "Black Writers Space" by blog talk radio personality Ms. Mocha! Click the following link to have email sent to you to remind you when the show airs. It will be online and if you aren't able to listen to it when it airs, you'll be able to listen to the full show after it ends. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blackwritersspace/2012/06/01/bws-chats-w-author-tony-reed

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Almost $1,100 Pledged to Kickstarter Project in Less Than 24 Hours! Amazing!


I just wanted to share with you the amazing day I have had concerning my Kickstarter project to publish my novel, S.O.L.A.D.™: Soldiers of Light Against Darkness™.

Almost $1,100 in pledges were made in less than 24 hours!

(Dancing my happy dance!)

A total of $1,075 was pledged by four people in a 24-hour period, bringing the total amount pledged to $1,561 (which is 15 percent of the goal met)!

I am absolutely overwhelmed right now with joy and determination to see people backing me up and supporting my dream and helping this project become a SUCCESS!

We all need each other in this life and I really need you all right now!

There's only 15 days left before the project ends and $8,439 still needs to be pledged in order for this project to be SUCCESSFUL!

So, tell your friends, family members, co-workers, church members and everyone you meet about this project and asked them to pledge!

And if you haven't pledged, what are you waiting for? LOL! DO IT NOW! (click this link to pledge http://kck.st/HzzmEt and copy and paste it to everyone you know and on every social site)

This is the closest I have ever been in reaching my goal to publish S.O.L.A.D.™: Soldiers of Light Against Darkness™ and I owe thanks to God and you all for pledging and supporting my dream!

I can't thank you all enough and I can't wait to be able to help you all in reaching your dreams!

My heart is happy, my faith is renewed and I can't wait to see the Kickstarter project pledges hit the $10,000 mark!

Thank you so much and keep spreading the word!

-Tyrone Tony Reed Jr.

P.S. On Thursday, May 31, 2012, at 7 p.m., I will be interviewed on "Black Writers Space" by blog talk radio personality Ms. Mocha! Click the following link to have email sent to you to remind you when the show airs. It will be online and if you aren't able to listen to it when it airs, you'll be able to listen to the full show after it ends. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blackwritersspace/2012/06/01/bws-chats-w-author-tony-reed

A $1,000 Pledge! Marching Towards the Goal of Publishing S.O.L.A.D.™!

Great news!

Yesterday afternoon, I looked at my Kickstarter project and it only had 10 pledges that totaled $486 (4 percent) of the $10,000 goal.

This morning I look at the project and found that someone had pledged $1,000, bringing the total pledged to $1,486 (14 percent of goal met)!

Getting a pledge for that amount is AMAZING! It, along with the other pledges I've received, makes me feel like the struggle to get my novel published has been worth it. 

Sometimes, I have felt like crying (and actually have on several occasions) because this has been hard to do, especially after two unsuccessful attempts to raise the funds I need to publish my novel. Getting on social networks to ask for money for a dream I have has been a daily activity of mine for the nearly eight months.

I've gotten some discouraging messages sent to me, but for every discouraging word, I've gotten that much more support and encouragement from others.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I can't do this alone.

I want to thank everyone who has pledged so far and has spread the word about my project! Thank you for your kind words of inspiration, your support and for being a friend! 

So, there are only 16 days left and the goal needs at least $8,514 to reach it's goal.

Will you join the others who've pledged in believing and supporting my dream? You might not be able to pledge $1,000 (or maybe you are), but please pledge what you can and spread the word by clicking the link below! 

Thanks in advance,
Tyrone Tony Reed Jr.


P.S. On Thursday, May 31, 2012, at 7 p.m., I will be interviewed on "Black Writers Space" by blog talk radio personality Ms. Mocha!

Click the following link to have email sent to you to remind you when the show airs. 

It will be online and if you aren't able to listen to it when it airs, you'll be able to listen to the full show after it ends. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blackwritersspace/2012/06/01/bws-chats-w-author-tony-reed

Monday, May 21, 2012

Another Interview and 19 Days Left Before Kickstarter Project Ends!

Hello everyone! Hope you all are having a great Monday!

I had a really great Sunday (two radio segments on Community Feedback with host Richard Donnell on 96 KIX 95.7 FM in Jackson, TN and great church service at Family Worship Center with a great and powerful message from Pastor Jereme Smith.)

There are only 19 days left before my Kickstarter project (http://kck.st/HzzmEt) to publish the soon to be bestselling novel, S.O.L.A.D.:™  Soldiers of Light Against Darkness™ ends.

This is a God-given dream and I've been pursuing this so I can share it with the world. Please, if you haven't pledged yet, take time this week and do it and spread the word. You can pledge by clicking the link above.

Also, I'll briefly speak about the project and my novel on "Butterfly Evolution" with hosts Tammy Gaitor and Tika Beard at 8 p.m. Central at www.blogtalkradio.com/butterflyevolution. Just click the link to listen in. If you can't tune in live, you can click the link after the show is airs and listen to it.

They've had me on before to talk about my project and novel and were nice enough to ask me back on.

I thank God for these blessings and how He is showing me He is with me.

Before I end this post, let me share this with you.

You need to stay encouraged when you are pursuing your dream. It's not easy, but you need to encourage yourself not just daily, but constantly.

When you have seen your "Promised Land" and know that God is leading you there, others may talk you out of it and tell you that it is impossible to get there.

Don't listen to that. God is able and will take you to your "Promised Land" if, as God told Joshua three times in Joshua 1, "be strong and of good courage."

God told Joshua that he should keep the Word of God in his heart and meditate (think on it) day and night (at all times).

God went on to tell Joshua that if he did this, "then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success."

God also told Joshua not to be afraid or discouraged and that He would be with Joshua wherever he went.

God loves us and He wants what is best for us! So, don't give up on your God-given dreams ("Promised Land").

Do what God tells you to do and before you know it, you will be walking in your "Promised Land".

Have a great day and please click the link below and make your pledge.

-Tyrone Tony Reed Jr.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

"S.O.L.A.D.™ Origins: Jeff:Ward of Law™" short film NOW AVAILABLE!

Everyone, today’s the day!

In an effort to encourage more people to give S.O.L.A.D.™: Soldiers of Light Against Darkness™ a chance and pledge to help get the novel published, I have created several short films based on the characters from the novel.

“S.O.L.A.D.™ Origins” will show you what the characters in the novel were doing before the novel begins. You’ll get a feel for the characters personalities and get some of their background story.

I really believe in this novel and I believe the characters I’ve created will entertain you, make you laugh, cry, stand up and cheer and fight for your dreams and purpose in life.

The first video, “S.O.L.A.D.™ Origins: Jeff: Ward of Law™” is NOW AVAILABLE for EVERYONE to view! Please watch the video (click here) and learn more about this character and his struggles on Dark Earth.

The video might not be Hollywood-blockbuster level (yet), but I did the best I could with the limited technology I have on my computer.

I just wanted to share with you how I see S.O.L.A.D.™ and how much I believe in it!
So, please enjoy the video, share it with everyone you know and please, please, pledge (click here)!
Those who have pledged will get early access to future S.O.L.A.D. videos and news.

There are only 25 days left! Please help make S.O.L.A.D.™ a SUCCESS!

Tyrone Tony Reed Jr.

P.S. Watch out for screen captures of the next short film “S.O.L.A.D.™ Origins: Wiseman J”. And if you need to know how to pledge, feel free to message me!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Another Pledge! Just $9,614 Shy of Reaching the Goal!

Another pledge has been made! Thank you Pastor Jereme Smith for your pledge and support!

If you haven't made your pledge to the Kickstarter project to publish my novel S.O.L.A.D.™:Soldiers of Light Against Darkness™, make you pledge now by clicking the link below!

After you pledge, make sure to spread the word and encourage others to pledge as well! There are great REWARDS available for each pledge!

Also each person who pledges is automatically going to be mentioned in the special thank you section of the novel!

There are 29 days left and $9,614 in pledges are still needed. Please be one of the backers of this project so that this dream can come true.

Thanks for your support!
-Tyrone Tony Reed Jr.


Thursday, May 10, 2012

How Much Is Your Dream Worth?

How much is a dream worth? Is it worth your blood, sweat & tears? Is it worth conquering your fears and facing the things within yourself that hold you back? Is it worth looking ridiculous to others as you pursue your God-given dreams?

These are questions I have had to ask myself daily as I took and continue to take steps to achieving those dreams.

So many things can come up against you. People say things or things come up that can discourage you if, and only if, you let them.

It's hard not to be discouraged. You believe in the dream God has given you so strongly that you don't understand why others can't see it and believe in it too.

But you have to believe and have faith in God that He will make everything come together and work at the right time.

So, back to my question. Is the dream worth it? All the trouble, the nights crying, the naysayers, etc?

The answer is yes, because a dream realized is so much better than a what if.

The dream in your heart won't just change your life. It will change the lives of others.

So don't give up. Your dream is definitely worth it.

-Tyrone Tony Reed Jr.
best-selling author of S.O.L.A.D.™:
Soldiers of  Light Against Darkness™
(name it, claim it and obtain it)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

New Section Available on the Official Blog of S.O.L.A.D.™

A new section has been created where you will find reviews of S.O.L.A.D.™ from people who got to read the book in advance of its official release.

More will come, but here's the first one...

"I LOVED this book!
The characters are easy to relate to, the action is suspenseful and thrilling, and the story is so captivating.
I found myself recognizing my faults and excuses in the actions of the main characters. And, through their struggles and growth, I realized I could also recognize my strengths.
This is one of those books that, once read, makes the reader want to change the world.
If you've ever felt like things are hopeless, you need to read this book.
If you've ever felt like a nothing, you need to read this book.
If you've ever told yourself that God can't use you to make a difference, you need to read this book."

-Ashley Morris Holzhausen

Monday, May 7, 2012

Join the "Spread the Word About S.O.L.A.D.™" campaign

There are only 32 days left and the Kickstarter project to self-publish S.O.L.A.D.™:Soldiers of Light Against Darkness™ has already reached three percent of its goal. 

We may have a long way to go, but it's not impossible for this project to reach its goal.

I'm asking everyone to post the link to the Kickstarter project (http://kck.st/HzzmEt) on every social media site you use and encourage everyone you know to PLEDGE to this project!

Do it everyday on every social media site!

I really need your help and I know that if you have already pledged, you believe in this project like I do!

And if you believe in it, I know others will believe in it too.

So please help me spread the word. I can't do this alone! I need your help!

If you haven't pledged yet, please do. Click the picture below and find out about this AWESOME novel and make your pledge! 

After you pledge, join the "Spread the Word About S.O.L.A.D.™" campaign by posting a link to this project on every social media site you use. Make sure to do it daily.

I know this project is going to be successful! It's going to happen. We're going to reach the goal and surpass it!

Over 1,000 people have liked the project and several reporters and people who work with the media and expressed interest in the project. 

This is going to work and I have God and you all to thank for that!

I can see it now!

Thanks for your support, your pledges and for spreading the word!

-Tyrone Tony Reed Jr., 
author of S.O.L.A.D.™: 
Soldiers of Light Against Darkness™

Click here to go to the Kickstarter project

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Three Percent of Goal Reached & 39 Days to Go!

A little over a month to go and the Kickstarter goal is being reached slowly, but steadily!

$311 of the $10,000 goal has been reached and that means that three percent of the goal has been reached!

Please, if you haven't pledged already, become the other 97 percent that helps this project reach and then surpass its goal.

There are only 39 days left and I need your help!

Please help make this dream a reality!

There are people waiting on this dream to come true. There are people who need this dream to come true! There are people out there who need to read this novel and learn the lessons in this novel. There are future writers, doctors, leaders, teachers and more who will read this novel and want to help others to become the best they can be.

It all starts with making this dream a reality!

So many other writers had to have help to make their dreams (novels) a reality.

Here's a brief list of books that were self-published and went on to become bestsellers loved by a large audience:

Never Satisfied Men Cry in the Dark by Michael Baisden

Chicken Soup for the Soul by Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen

A Time to Kill by John Grisham

The Shack by William P. Young

The Joy of Cooking by Irma Rombauer

Eragon by Christopher Paolini 

The Christmas Box by Richard Paul Evans

What Color is Your Parachute? by Richard Nelson Bolles

The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. (and his student E. B. White)

The Self-Publishing Manual by Dan Poytner

Other well-known self-publishers include: Stephen King, Virginia Woolf, E.E. Cummings, William Blake, E. Lynn Harris, Upton Sinclair, Edgar Allan Poe, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, Deepak Chopra, Rudyard Kipling, Amanda Hocking, Mark Twain, Benjamin Franklin & Margaret Atwood

Like these authors, I have a story to tell that I believe will be loved by many readers. I have a great vision on how this story, and the ones that follow it, can be incorporated into other media (comic books, movies, television shows, etc.)

But, it all starts with the success of my dream aka this Kickstarter project. So please click on the following link, make your pledge and spread the word.

Thanks in advance,
Tyrone Tony Reed Jr.


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