Tuesday, May 15, 2012

"S.O.L.A.D.™ Origins: Jeff:Ward of Law™" short film NOW AVAILABLE!

Everyone, today’s the day!

In an effort to encourage more people to give S.O.L.A.D.™: Soldiers of Light Against Darkness™ a chance and pledge to help get the novel published, I have created several short films based on the characters from the novel.

“S.O.L.A.D.™ Origins” will show you what the characters in the novel were doing before the novel begins. You’ll get a feel for the characters personalities and get some of their background story.

I really believe in this novel and I believe the characters I’ve created will entertain you, make you laugh, cry, stand up and cheer and fight for your dreams and purpose in life.

The first video, “S.O.L.A.D.™ Origins: Jeff: Ward of Law™” is NOW AVAILABLE for EVERYONE to view! Please watch the video (click here) and learn more about this character and his struggles on Dark Earth.

The video might not be Hollywood-blockbuster level (yet), but I did the best I could with the limited technology I have on my computer.

I just wanted to share with you how I see S.O.L.A.D.™ and how much I believe in it!
So, please enjoy the video, share it with everyone you know and please, please, pledge (click here)!
Those who have pledged will get early access to future S.O.L.A.D. videos and news.

There are only 25 days left! Please help make S.O.L.A.D.™ a SUCCESS!

Tyrone Tony Reed Jr.

P.S. Watch out for screen captures of the next short film “S.O.L.A.D.™ Origins: Wiseman J”. And if you need to know how to pledge, feel free to message me!

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