A little over a month to go and the Kickstarter goal is being reached slowly, but steadily!
$311 of the $10,000 goal has been reached and that means that three percent of the goal has been reached!
Please, if you haven't pledged already, become the other 97 percent that helps this project reach and then surpass its goal.
There are only 39 days left and I need your help!
Please help make this dream a reality!
There are people waiting on this dream to come true. There are people who need this dream to come true! There are people out there who need to read this novel and learn the lessons in this novel. There are future writers, doctors, leaders, teachers and more who will read this novel and want to help others to become the best they can be.
It all starts with making this dream a reality!
So many other writers had to have help to make their dreams (novels) a reality.
Here's a brief list of books that were self-published and went on to become bestsellers loved by a large audience:
Other well-known self-publishers include: Stephen King, Virginia Woolf, E.E. Cummings, William Blake, E. Lynn Harris, Upton Sinclair, Edgar Allan Poe, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, Deepak Chopra, Rudyard Kipling, Amanda Hocking, Mark Twain, Benjamin Franklin & Margaret Atwood
Like these authors, I have a story to tell that I believe will be loved by many readers. I have a great vision on how this story, and the ones that follow it, can be incorporated into other media (comic books, movies, television shows, etc.)
But, it all starts with the success of my dream aka this Kickstarter project. So please click on the following link, make your pledge and spread the word.
$311 of the $10,000 goal has been reached and that means that three percent of the goal has been reached!
Please, if you haven't pledged already, become the other 97 percent that helps this project reach and then surpass its goal.
There are only 39 days left and I need your help!
Please help make this dream a reality!
There are people waiting on this dream to come true. There are people who need this dream to come true! There are people out there who need to read this novel and learn the lessons in this novel. There are future writers, doctors, leaders, teachers and more who will read this novel and want to help others to become the best they can be.
It all starts with making this dream a reality!
So many other writers had to have help to make their dreams (novels) a reality.
Here's a brief list of books that were self-published and went on to become bestsellers loved by a large audience:
Never Satisfied & Men Cry in the Dark by Michael Baisden
Chicken Soup for the Soul by Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen
A Time to Kill by John Grisham
The Shack by William P. Young
The Joy of Cooking by Irma Rombauer
Eragon by Christopher Paolini
The Christmas Box by Richard Paul Evans
What Color is Your Parachute? by Richard Nelson Bolles
The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. (and his student E. B. White)
The Self-Publishing Manual by Dan Poytner
Other well-known self-publishers include: Stephen King, Virginia Woolf, E.E. Cummings, William Blake, E. Lynn Harris, Upton Sinclair, Edgar Allan Poe, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, Deepak Chopra, Rudyard Kipling, Amanda Hocking, Mark Twain, Benjamin Franklin & Margaret Atwood
Like these authors, I have a story to tell that I believe will be loved by many readers. I have a great vision on how this story, and the ones that follow it, can be incorporated into other media (comic books, movies, television shows, etc.)
But, it all starts with the success of my dream aka this Kickstarter project. So please click on the following link, make your pledge and spread the word.
Thanks in advance,
Tyrone Tony Reed Jr.