Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Be Passionate and Never Give Up!

Here's how passionate I am about using the gifts God gave me:

On Monday, I walked around downtown Memphis, taking photos of locations that are mention in Book II of S.O.L.A.D.™. Mind you, it was cloudy, drizzling and today I'm a little weak and sore from the power-walking I did.

But, it was so worth it. I could see the story playing out in my mind as I walked from location to location. Even got a great idea for a tie-in to the novel and future novels in the S.O.L.A.D.™ series.

All of this also happened on the fourth anniversary of my first of three attempts to raise money on Kickstarter to publish the Book I of S.O.L.A.D.™. The Lord has brought me so far and I know I have more to do, but I thank Him for being there.

I also got to help out my family and spend time with them.

And this morning, even though I'm moving a little slowly, I'm entering corrections two of my trusted beta readers have for book II, designing the book cover, working on an interactive website for the novel, entering two contests and applying to be a panelist at an upcoming convention. I’m also planning to pay it forward by introducing the world, through social media, to talented people I have met over the past couple of years.

Time waits for no man and it would be a shame to sit on the gifts and talents God has given you.

Ask God today what you should do, pray and get to work as He goes before you and blesses the consistent steps you take daily.

Have a blessed Tuesday,

Tyrone Tony Reed Jr.

author/creator of S.O.L.A.D™: Soldiers of Light Against Darkness™ who is working on several book, television and movie projects.

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