Thursday, May 24, 2012

A $1,000 Pledge! Marching Towards the Goal of Publishing S.O.L.A.D.™!

Great news!

Yesterday afternoon, I looked at my Kickstarter project and it only had 10 pledges that totaled $486 (4 percent) of the $10,000 goal.

This morning I look at the project and found that someone had pledged $1,000, bringing the total pledged to $1,486 (14 percent of goal met)!

Getting a pledge for that amount is AMAZING! It, along with the other pledges I've received, makes me feel like the struggle to get my novel published has been worth it. 

Sometimes, I have felt like crying (and actually have on several occasions) because this has been hard to do, especially after two unsuccessful attempts to raise the funds I need to publish my novel. Getting on social networks to ask for money for a dream I have has been a daily activity of mine for the nearly eight months.

I've gotten some discouraging messages sent to me, but for every discouraging word, I've gotten that much more support and encouragement from others.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I can't do this alone.

I want to thank everyone who has pledged so far and has spread the word about my project! Thank you for your kind words of inspiration, your support and for being a friend! 

So, there are only 16 days left and the goal needs at least $8,514 to reach it's goal.

Will you join the others who've pledged in believing and supporting my dream? You might not be able to pledge $1,000 (or maybe you are), but please pledge what you can and spread the word by clicking the link below! 

Thanks in advance,
Tyrone Tony Reed Jr.

P.S. On Thursday, May 31, 2012, at 7 p.m., I will be interviewed on "Black Writers Space" by blog talk radio personality Ms. Mocha!

Click the following link to have email sent to you to remind you when the show airs. 

It will be online and if you aren't able to listen to it when it airs, you'll be able to listen to the full show after it ends.

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