Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Help A Writer's Dream Come True! Please Pledge Now!

In 11 days, my Kickstarter project to self-publish my first novel, S.O.L.A.D.™: Soldiers of Light Against Darkness™, will end.

I hope and believe it will end SUCCESSFULLY, even when it doesn't appear that it will.

I've had many, many people ask me what I’m going to do if the Kickstarter project doesn't reach its goal.

It’s a question that is asked every time I have started a Kickstarter project and it appeared they would fail.

Even though they didn't reach their monetary goal, the first two Kickstarter projects succeeded in 1.) allowing people to know about my upcoming best-selling novel 2.) spreading the word about the novel and 3.) increasing my faith.

All of these things have been important to ensure S.O.L.A.D’s SUCCESS, but nothing more than having faith. It’s the reason why I haven’t given up on my dream.

You see, in my mind and heart, S.O.L.A.D.™ is already a best-selling novel series that people can’t get enough of. I’m using the profits to help others reach their dreams and creating programs that help the world.

I’m just walking through the vision God put in my heart to get to the reality that He has promised me!

Yes, things in life discourage me, especially when I look at how far the pledged amount is from the goal.

But, I won’t give up. Whatever the next step is, if the Kickstarter goal is not reached, I'm prepared to work hard and do my part to get to the "Promised Land" God has for me.

I just want to thank everyone who has pledged, who has spread the word, who has sent me words of encouragement, who has rooted for me and who has (and continue to) pray for me and my efforts.

With your support, the road to my destiny has been easier to travel. I hope and pray that in the future, I can do the same for you.

There are 11 days left before the Kickstarter project ends, so if you have pledge, PLEASE PLEDGE NOW & SPREAD THE WORD! http://kck.st/HzzmEt

If you have pledged, please continue to spread the word as much as you can. If you can pledge a little more, please do! Every bit helps.

Thank you so much for being “Soldiers of Light Against Darkness™”!
-Tyrone Tony Reed Jr.

Kickstarter project link:  http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1450855870/project-s-believe-in-soladtm-and-make-it-a-success

P.S. On Thursday, May 31, 2012, at 7 p.m. CST, I will be interviewed on "Black Writers Space" by blog talk radio personality Ms. Mocha! Click the following link to have email sent to you to remind you when the show airs. It will be online and if you aren't able to listen to it when it airs, you'll be able to listen to the full show after it ends. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blackwritersspace/2012/06/01/bws-chats-w-author-tony-reed

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